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Law Offices Of David Bliven
Law Offices Of David Bliven
  • White Plains Office 19 Court Street
    Suite 206
    White Plains, NY 10601
  • Bronx Office 3190 Riverdale Avenue
    Suite 1
    Bronx, NY 10463

Divorce: Strategic Decisions For Housing, Custody, And Safety

  • By: David Bliven, Esq.

In this article, you can discover:

  • The necessity of planning alternative accommodation in hostile or violent marital situations.
  • How residence choices during divorce impact child custody and parental access.
  • Legal options when cohabitation during divorce is unfeasible due to safety or finances.

Do I Need To Have A Well-Defined Plan For Alternative Accommodation When Leaving The Marital Home During A Divorce?

Yes, having a clear and immediate plan for alternative accommodation is essential if you plan to leave your home during a divorce. This is especially true in situations where the home environment is hostile or there is a risk of domestic violence. Such a plan becomes increasingly important when living together during the divorce process leads to conflicts over various household matters.

For instance, in a case our firm recently advised, the client and their partner were unable to agree on who was permitted to visit the home, leading to increased tension. This example shows the importance of early planning.

In urban areas, such as New York City, finding a new residence can be a lengthy process, often fraught with unforeseen challenges and delays. Arranging for your next living situation in advance is not just advisable, but crucial for a smoother transition.

How Does My Choice Of Residence During The Divorce Process Affect Child Custody?

The decision regarding where you will live during the divorce process can significantly influence child custody arrangements. If you move to a location far from the marital home, it could impact the other parent’s ability to maintain regular contact and participate actively in the children’s lives. Such a move might lead to conflicts over schooling decisions, especially if it involves changing school districts.

It is also vital to reach an agreement about who the children will live with post-separation. In cases where mutual consent is lacking, these matters often require judicial intervention to ensure the best interests of the children are protected.

Is It Advisable For Both Spouses To Continue Living In The Marital Home During The Divorce?

Living together in the marital home during a divorce can be feasible, depending on the couple’s ability to coexist peacefully. In situations where there is hostility, seeking counseling or parent education might help mitigate tensions.

However, if domestic violence is a factor, cohabitation may be unsafe and inadvisable. In such cases, if an agreement on living arrangements cannot be reached, legal steps may be necessary. These may include filing for an order of protection or exclusive occupancy rights to ensure the safety and well-being of all involved.

Should I Move Out With The Children Before Or After Filing For Divorce?

This decision is complex and context-dependent. If you expect your spouse to contest custody, securing any agreement in writing is critical. Once you engage a divorce attorney, it is prudent to have this agreement formally documented as soon as possible to prevent any future disputes.

In scenarios without mutual agreement or in cases involving domestic violence, it is crucial to seek judicial intervention promptly to resolve the matter legally and ensure the safety and best interests of the children.

In The Event Of Domestic Violence, Can A Parent Relocate With The Children And Keep The New Address Confidential?

In cases involving domestic violence, it is imperative to obtain legal validation of the situation. If there is an immediate threat, the family court should be approached for an order of protection. This may result in temporary custody arrangements or an order for the abusive spouse to vacate the marital home. Seeking emergency relief from a divorce judge is another viable course of action.

In urgent situations, where safety is at stake, taking immediate action is crucial, but it is equally important to follow this up with legal procedures. Under New York State law, confidentiality of the new address can be maintained, with specific arrangements for receiving court correspondence to ensure safety and privacy.

What Steps Can I Take If I Cannot Afford To Leave The Marital Home And My Spouse Refuses To Leave?

In situations where financial constraints prevent you from leaving the marital home, and your spouse is unwilling to leave, seeking legal recourse is essential. Applying for temporary spousal and child support through the court becomes a necessity. If leaving the home isn’t a viable financial option, filing for support and protection orders is a critical step.

The family court can provide expedited assistance in such cases, offering the possibility of issuing support orders within the context of a family offense case. Providing comprehensive income documentation of your spouse is crucial in these applications to facilitate the issuance of support orders.

For more information on Residential Issues In A New York Divorce, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling 
(347) 797-1188 | (914) 362-3080 today.

David Bliven, Esq.

Serving primarily White Plains and the Bronx, we provide
guidance for a range of family law considerations
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