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Law Offices Of David Bliven
Law Offices Of David Bliven
  • White Plains Office 19 Court Street
    Suite 206
    White Plains, NY 10601
  • Bronx Office 3190 Riverdale Avenue
    Suite 1
    Bronx, NY 10463

I have to go to court in ny for child support and I need something notarized. Do I have to ny or can I go anywhere?

  • By: David Bliven

Q: I’m trying to get monies owed to me from a child support case. I filled out the paperwork and it says it’s needs to be notarized. Court I have to deal with is in Westchester county ny. Since I live in a different state now. Do I have to go to ny to get it notarized for the court or can I go to any state to get it notarized.

A: The Court here will generally accept valid notaries done in other states. Call a White Plains Child Support Attorney for more info.

David Bliven, Esq.

Serving primarily White Plains and the Bronx, we provide
guidance for a range of family law considerations
Call Us Now - (347) 797-1188 | (914) 362-3080