Protection Against Charges Of Child Abuse
The Family Court Act of New York defines child abuse as an act, or failure to act, by any parent or caretaker that results in the bodily or emotional harm of a child, which may include sexual or physical abuse. Child neglect may be the failure to provide abadequate food, shelter, clothing, medical attention, or educational opportunity.
The authorities treat child abuse charges with the utmost seriousness. Those convicted face restrictions on visitation with their children. In addition, they may face difficulty when seeking employment, applying for a loan or endeavoring to retain custody of their children. It is imperative for individuals charged with child abuse to find a skilled, effective attorney who can protect their rights in court. The Law Offices of David Bliven can help.
We Know Both Sides Of The Law
Attorney David Bliven is uniquely experienced in child abuse matters. Prior to opening his family law practice in 2000, he served for several years as a state prosecutor. In this capacity, he litigated against numerous individuals charged with child abuse. Now, he applies this knowledge to help defend clients facing such allegations. He is intimately familiar with the family court system. He understands how the state approaches such cases. He is singularly prepared to establish a strong defense.
Asserting Your Rights In Court
If you are charged with child abuse, you have rights. Our firm will investigate every aspect of the allegations against you. If an error took place at any stage, we will seek to have the charges reduced — or, if possible, dismissed.
To speak with a lawyer, contact our offices in White Plains or the Bronx. You can call us at (347) 797-1188 | (914) 362-3080 or arrange an appointment online. We offer confidential initial assessments.
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(347) 797-1188 | (914) 362-3080