Q: I don't have income I'm just on social services my husband was the working party. I want to divorce him ... A: You have many options available - among them is that you can request that your husband pay some or all of the fees associated with the divorce. He can either agree - or potentially the Court can…Read More
Q: I live in the state of New York and filed for divorce. My spouse is in the Navy and stationed in Virginia. I had my spouse served with papers by a deputy sheriff and also filed the Affidavit of Service that he was served. It’s been 40 days and they have not replied as of yet and he has…Read More
Q: I am currently married, however, my husband is very controlling, first he hid my son's passport from me until it was expired and now he does not want to renew my son's passport. I migrated here five years ago and I don't have any family in the US. I would love to visit my home country with my son.…Read More
Q: I’m a stay at home mom, no income. My husband gave me his credit card to use, his credit, his name. He recently gave me a credit card with my name on it, but used his credit. The cards are both from the same company, same limit but different names and different numbers. We’re at a rocky point in…Read More
Q: We thought we could work it out, but this marriage is DONE, uncontested, no kids or property involved, he wanted a green card and decided it would be a good idea to cheat on the woman he asks to help him with it, his EAC and Social are now invalid and he was denied, has 33 days to leave…Read More
Q: I filed for divorce. My spouse did not answer and is in default. I filed my Order to Show Cause with the court. We have 2 kids... there is a current order of protection against him protecting the 3 of us. There is no property or assets to divide. I am not asking for spousal maintenance, only full custody…Read More
Q: I was married for a little over 9 years and then my wife filed for divorce. We were separated for about 8 months and she finally signed the divorce agreement 3 days after what would’ve been our 10 year anniversary. Given the fact that we were no longer living together as man and wife, is she entitled to collect…Read More
Q: Ive been married for 5 years. I want to get a post nuptial agreement. Can my spouse sign one without having her own attorney? A: The answer is yes - there is no requirement that both sides be represented by counsel. The only requirement is that both sides be advised they have the RIGHT to be represented by counsel…Read More
Q: Our child was enrolled in a public highschool in the city I work/live but my spouse enrolled our child in her village (another county) during the pandemic. Our child wants to be re-enrolled in her previous highschool but my spouse is strongly opposed. We are running out of time since schools starts in 3 weeks, what are my legal…Read More
Q: We’ve been married since 2017 and were agreeing for a divorce. We have no kids together and do not own anything together. I want my maiden name back and to get this over with. A: You would file the divorce in the same court as any other divorce – in Supreme Court in the county where you reside. You…Read More