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Law Offices Of David Bliven
Law Offices Of David Bliven
  • White Plains Office 19 Court Street
    Suite 206
    White Plains, NY 10601
  • Bronx Office 3190 Riverdale Avenue
    Suite 1
    Bronx, NY 10463

Westchester Divorce Attorney

  • By: David Bliven

Q: We bought house together but his name is on mortgage. A: Generally you would receive 50% of all marital assets - his name on the mortgage doesn't change that analysis. You may also qualify for alimony and/or support. As such, you're best advised to call a Westchester Divorce Attorney to schedule a consult for a full assessment.Read More

  • By: David Bliven

Q: We were together for over a decade and I supported him by paying half of everything in order for him to save money. He promised me one of the investment properties acquired during the relationship but that is no longer on the table. A: New York does not recognize common law relationships - as such, there doesn't appear to…Read More

  • By: David Bliven

Q: Hello. I am a Russian citizen and moved to the US in March 2023. I had a son in the marriage, then we got divorced and my ex-husband banned the child from leaving the country, but I have 100% custody, I live in California, my ex-husband lives in New York. If he makes a visitation schedule, how long can…Read More

  • By: David Bliven

Q: My spouse and I owned a home. Sold it over a year ago and split whatever monies were left after paying off debt. Is she entitled to any of the portion of the money that was my split after the divorce. A: Its possible the Judge authorized 'substituted service" (which includes the summons being taped to your door), so…Read More

  • By: David Bliven

Q: Husband filed for divorce months ago. We have had informal discussions with our attorneys, but haven't gone to court. We have don't have any agreed to settlements. While living in the house he took responsibility for our child 2 days per week and alternating weekends. He recently moved out and wants to take our child for a few days,…Read More

  • By: David Bliven

Q. I have individuals calling me multiple times and showing up in person but it’s ongoing daily basis A. Generally service of orders are done by licensed process servers. You may also have service done by the Sherriff's Office in the county were the person to be served is located. For more info, call a Westchester Divorce Attorney.Read More

  • By: David Bliven

Q- I have individuals calling me multiple times and showing up in person but it’s ongoing daily basis   A- Generally service of orders are done by licensed process servers. You may also have service done by the Sherriff's Office in the county were the person to be served is located. For more info, call a Westchester Divorce Attorney.Read More

  • By: David Bliven

Q- Husband filed for divorce 6 months ago. No settlement talks yet. 6 days ago I receive notice from his attorney that he's moving out, wants to sell the house, which is in both our names and proposed a parenting schedule for our special needs child. My attorney is on vacation. Six days later, he walked out with boxes and…Read More

  • By: David Bliven

Q- i have had sole legal / physical custody of my son since May, 2014. Father in and out of his life. no financial contribution b/c he feels my family has financial means and in his words “he will pay for him when he’s with me.” hasn’t seen son since May, 2020. communication is not consistent at this point b/c…Read More

  • By: David Bliven

Q- My situation is very complicated, I want to file one side, and child custody!   A-In selecting an attorney, one should consider both objective & subjective factors. Objective factors include: (a) years of experience, (b) Avvo rating, (c) their background/trial experience (e.g., do they have prosecutorial experience), (d) what rating do they have on other trusted websites (e.g., "AV"…Read More

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