Q: I pay about $3000 in child support each month and my oldest just started college. I pay $1000 per month to the school toward tution/room and board. Can I deduct this payment from the child support and pay only $2000? A: I agree with the other postings - you cannot do so if there's a court order of support.…Read More
Q: I’m in the process of getting a divorce and would like child support for our 19 year old daughter to be included in the divorce settlement. A: The answer must be nuanced. First, the calculation of income may be based on ability to earn income, rather than present, actual earnings. second, once you have child support incorporated into a…Read More
Q: My son’s father decided to pay $1200 a month for child support. He own many investments properties, plus he is a real estate agent making extra on commissions. Today, he Zelled me $1200. Do I keep it or return it and file for child support and custody? A: You can & should keep it. Even if he's drastically underpaying,…Read More
Q: I have a child with my ex whom the mother is seeking child support, while I understand and don’t mind paying I want to ensure that it doesn’t take away from the support that I need to have for my other two children as I am the sole income, what should I do? should I get a court order…Read More
Q. If custodial parent from NY is owed child support from a parent now living in FL, what happens to the arrears in child support if the custodial parent dies? A. It depends. If the arrears issued was reduced to a money judgment, then the money judgment is enforceable by the estate. If not, then the arrears would most likely…Read More
Q. I have been paying child support on time and the amount agreed for a number of years. My ex wife now wants a modification and money retroactive to when I a substantial increase in salary. Can she get back pay for child support? A. By statute (unless agreed upon otherwise), she can only get child support retroactive to the…Read More
Q- Custodial parent—I already have a child support court ordered agreement in place since 2014. Recently petition family court NY for child support modification and have received a hearing date. Originally meeting with court I asked for limited discovery should I need it. Non-custodial parent is a lawyer with his own LLC, issues himself a pay stub as an employee…Read More
Q- My son is completing his freshman year in college in another state. My ex husband took a dollar for dollar credit for child support last year, which meant that I received no child support for the time my son was away in college. This coming year my son is renting an apt with some other students and the lease…Read More
Q- My industry (TV) tanked and I'm unemployed. Before this, last year when I was working steadily, I got a slight downward Child Support modification (Feb 2023). Now, over a year later with no work (I'm looking at jobs out of my sector, for far less money than I used to earn), I'm almost out of savings and wonder if…Read More
Q- my daughter is 20yrs old and does not work and is not in college. she already graduated high school in June 2023 and does not want to attend college she has been looking for full-time work . I have no court child support with her dad he gives me cash as per verbal agreement as child support. If I…Read More