Q: The statements made by my ex-spouse were completely false, intentional, and can be proven. They have caused significant damage to my case. As a result, my son has been temporarily removed from my care, and we are currently in a heated trial that is financially draining me. If this is considered perjury, is there a statute of limitations? I…Read More
Q: For a custody case, to prove parental alienation. A: The answer is (most likely) yes - New York is a 1-party consent state. This means you may record - even secretly - any conversation that you are a party to. However, if you are not a participant in the conversation between your husband and your child, then you'd need…Read More
Q: Recently I got a notice of motion that I have to fill out to dismiss a case because I don't reside in Yonkers anymore, I live in CT, and I want to know how can I file it out! Thank you! A: The form you're referring to is merely a notice. You'd also need to complete an affirmation in…Read More
Q: So I am a mother of 3, and I have smoked Marijuana for most of my adult life. Prior to my last child, my ex who is the child's father knew all along that I smoked. He never had a problem, had his baby never had a problem. Now I have filed for child support and I have cps…Read More
Q- The father breached the custody order in the following ways. 1. Have not allowed child to call me for 2 weeks and ignore my calls. He is suppose to call me once a day 2. Father traveled with child to out of state And did not send travel info 14 days prior as stipulated. No accomadatios ,tramsaportstuin Info was…Read More
Q- I am going through a custody battle with my ex right now we have a temporary order and we both have joint legal custody I've tried to ask her for information about my son's speech therapist and the number to call her and she refuses to give me the number to the therapist to call I have no other…Read More
Q- I have joint legal custody of my daughter with her father. I have been confused if I am the primary parent, since the order doesn't say that I am. I have my daughter 209 overnights and the father has her 156 overnights. I have her Friday overnight to Monday overnight and tak her to school Tuesday plus 2 overnights…Read More
Q- What's the usual allotted parenting time for dads when mom has defacto custody? I live more than 50 miles away from them. Does NY follow any of these evidence based ideas: Sanford L. Braver & Michael E. Lamb (2018): Shared Parenting After Parental Separation: The Views of 12 Experts, Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, DOI: 10.1080/10502556.2018.1454195? Curious on how…Read More
Q- 9 month old baby boy needs surgery to correct a hypospadia (urethra not in correct position). 3 specialists were seen and all were in agreement that surgery was necessary the sooner the better to correct it. Child is on father's insurance policy. Mother does not have insurance and is not married to father. Father went ahead with the surgery…Read More
Q: I've been divorced for 5 years and am having big problems with both child support and custody. If i decide to go back to court for both issues, does 1 judge/court handle both or will i need to see 2 judges? thanks A: Only if you go back to Supreme Court. If you proceed in Family Court, then those…Read More